Friday, September 18, 2009

Life as a Rhinestone DIva

Since the early years I was born in this Rhinestone Empire and knew only to sparkle!

They say laughter is the best medicine, and if that is the case then Morelia will never have a sick day in her life. Voiceover artist, entertainer, broadcast professional and creative assistant to an exclusive clothier this woman was born with a pedigree guaranteeing a life front and center.

Raised in Los Angeles, Morelia is the granddaughter of the legendry tailor Nudie and daughter of Manuel clothing designer to the stars. She grew up in a creative environment surrounded by artists and entertainers. “Nudie’s store was in North Hollywood and my earliest memories are of all these icons coming into shop,” says Morelia. “I remember people like John Wayne, Tex Williams, and Ben Johnson. They were like uncles to me. I sat entranced listening to the stories of The Colonel Tom Park, Elvis and The Lone Ranger. After that when my dad became more front and center and the music changed the rockers like Bob Dylan and Keith Richards started coming in.

“Sometimes it was more like a variety show than a store. I became part of the act as a very young child. My grandfather would play the mandolin for his clients and sing a slightly bawdy rendition of four leaf clover, I would act it out. That’s when I think the performing seed was planted. I know I got my flair for the dramatic from my dad. He used to hand make pants for me. I was the only kid in school that had color jeans for different days of the week,” I had M’s, flowers, and even flames down on one leg. “It was wild!”

Home life was a training ground as well. “As a kid I would have my tape recorder and microphone” says Morelia. “When I was seven years old I always used to walk around and interview people. My mother would get worried if it was too quiet. She thought something had happened to me because I would entertain myself making up different voices for the dolls. That’s when I first realized I had a talent for voice over work.”

Knowing the career path she wanted to take, Morelia attended the Television, Theatre, and Fine Arts Magnate High School in Los Angeles honing her broadcast and performance skills. In college at Cal State Northridge she studied Broadcasting and English and took a job at Universal Studios of Hollywood in the entertainment department. There Morelia utilized her talents in many different departments including production, show announcement and talent; even dressing up as Mae West.

Morelia came to Nashville in the early nineties to work with her father Manuel at his successful couture shop. She helps to market and image the show while assisting with national PR and producing fashion shows. One feather in her couture cap was being the main point person for the prestigious Frist Exhibit on her father. During all this Morelia has continued to pursue her own professional career in the limelight by forming Kosher Taco Productions. The name is a testament to Morella’s sense of humor and heritage having a Jewish mother and a Mexican father.

Through her production company Morelia has been a sidekick on several Nashville radio stations, done commercials, videos, TV, and radio voice over work. She has developed several characters and is pursing various creative ventures from her Laugh with Morelia to her own salsa.

Though it all Morelia has given countless hours to charity as well created her own non-profit Rhinestone Cure for Diabetes ( and will always step up to the plate to lend a hand and of course a smile and a laugh. She is a unique lady with splendid style and grace.

memory : age 5
a new way to look at a pickle
I can look back as far as the days my grandpa Nudie gave me my first diva weapon: my pickle lunch box. I use to poke everyone with my pickle lunch box and to think now I'm super poking those on Facebook.